The Purpose of Your Life

Numerology Chart

by Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.

Welcome! I am very excited to help you identify more clearly the path and purpose you were born to fulfill. I have studied numbers and counseled thousands of people for over forty years. Incredibly, the numbers have revealed, time and again, what is hidden from ordinary view. The numbers have the capacity to open our eyes and answer our questions.

I imagine that you—like many others—are asking the following questions.

“What am I supposed to be doing with my life?”

“What am I good at?”

“What will make me happy?”

“What is my passion?”

“What is my purpose in life?”

“What will I achieve by the end of my life?”

Amazingly, our name and birth date hold the keys to our life purpose!

How Numerology Works

Numerology is an ancient tradition. There is evidence that numerology was in use thousands of years ago in China, Greece, Rome, and Egypt—long before the time of Pythagoras, who is generally accepted as the “father” of numerology. Most of the earliest teachings were transmitted orally, only to the initiated, because the information was considered very powerful and sacred.

Numbers create order out of chaos. Pythagoras, a philosopher and mathematician, lived and taught in Southern Italy in the sixth century, B.C. His belief that reality is mathematical—a concept still alive in modern times—is the principle on which numerology is founded.

Numbers have meanings. By converting letters into numbers, you can discover the hidden meaning of any word or name. For this chart, I have selected and described the most important, core numbers which cast an influence on your life.

Your Purpose

Your Soul chooses your purpose. Your birth circumstances, including your specific parents, who brought you into the world, are not random. There is no assurance that you will be able to fulfill the entirety of any specific goal or purpose, as part of your reason for living is to exercise free will. However, you can be assured that you will be given opportunities (repeatedly, until your last day on Earth) to use your inherent abilities—thus fulfilling your natural role in keeping the world turning.

The purpose of your life is bigger than a job title or career. Numerologists believe that we come into life to gain new experience, learn different lessons, and, hopefully, accrue more wisdom. As we express our innate Spirit-given qualities, we naturally play our part on the world stage.

In seeking to fulfill the old adage, “know thyself,” you will find your chart to be a simple tool to increase your self-awareness, and discern the overall plan you have chosen.

Carol Adrienne

Birth Path 5

Your Birth Path Shows Your Natural Talents And Instincts

Ana, your birth date of September, 9, 1976, adds up to 23, which gives you the versatile, quick-thinking outlook of the 5 Birth Path.

Your basic nature as a 5 Birth Path is forward-thinking and action-oriented. Your instinct is to bring new ideas to the forefront. Your spiritual purpose is to help society move ahead in life-affirming ways. A natural non-conformist, you will resist any attempt to take away the freedom or human rights of yourself or others. Typically, you are able to bounce back from physical illness or handicap, and maintain a life-long focus on keeping physically fit and active.

You are a shameless chameleon and lucky magician! How many times have you thought, “I was in the right place at the right time.”? If asked what your purpose in life is, you are likely to say, “To speak the truth and if things need to change, so be it.”

Birth Path 5

  • From the day you were born, you have had fascinating synchronicities. Despite setbacks, you resiliently adapted.

  • A potential revolutionary, you believe in the ability of an individual to make a difference. Always pragmatic and ahead of the pack, you instinctively look for the shortest route to a goal. If something doesn't work out fairly quickly, you move on.

  • Happier as a consultant than an employee, you are a producer, promoter, or broadcaster. No matter your field of endeavor, you put a new, progressive spin on it.

  • When you think of the purpose of your life, you look for it in how many things you have tasted, seen, and experienced. You are a pollinator—a little bit like a human bee!


We tend to forget that our purpose is to be, just as much as it is to do. Most of the time we give little thought to our key traits—like a fish swimming in the water, unaware of the water. Our personality and interests just seem to be us. We may not stop to think that the way we operate in the world has a profound effect all on its own, setting in motion consequences we may not even realize.

Your natural characteristics are there for a reason. Each trait is necessary for you to enjoy and fulfill the purpose of your life.

Ana, your non-conforming and multi-talented 5 Birth Path has the following key being traits. You naturally fulfill your life purpose when using these qualities.

  • Insatiable curiosity fuels your purpose, which is to be a disrupter and disseminator.

  • Freedom-loving, your Yes! attitude allows you to engage multi-laterally with life.

  • Versatility and quick-thinking equip you to keep up with trends.

  • Entrepreneurial and competitive, you are an essential component of the market place.

  • Resiliency allows you to spring back and be ready for the next opportunity.

  • Gregarious, your lust for life attracts and influences many circles of people.

  • Self-sabotaging traits: easily distracted; not enough follow-through; potentially addictive.



Ana 7

Investigator. The strengths of this name are exceptional intelligence and intuition. The spiritual purpose of your life is to search for truth. Your instinct is to question, research, analyze, and deduce. Your purpose requires you to be somewhat of an outsider, fostering an objective perspective. Your deepest purpose is to uncover ancient knowledge, to seek wisdom in history, and possibly make a technological advance.

Lúcia 1

Trail blazer. The strength of this name highlights a gift for original thinking. Whatever your full life purpose, this name steers you towards doing your own thing. You dream of financial freedom so you can develop your creative side. Believe in yourself and develop any interest in art, writing, music, invention. The spiritual focus of this name is on the courage to be different. You nature is to build a better mousetrap. Part of your life purpose is to model courage, conviction, and originality.

Pereira 9

Philosopher. The strength of this name comes from your ability to find common ground with just about anyone. This name gives you a wise and multi-faceted nature, with no big need to impress anyone. If wealthy, you may give it all away to extended family and friends. Kind, engaging, and broad-minded, you are typically a generalist. Travel, seeing different cultures, and time to laze in the sun are a big part of your life purpose. Spiritually you model tolerance and unconditional love.

Moniz 5

Non-conformist. This name highlights a tendency to facilitate needed change and progress in the world. Your purpose lies in experiencing the unusual, untried, or unfamiliar. You are attracted to competition, experiments, trends—or what seems “impossible” to others. Spiritually, this name urges you to break down oppressive barriers, on behalf of freedom, equality, and dignity. Adventurous, you know a little about a lot. Keeping physically fit is crucial to your purpose.

Introduction to Destiny: Your Full Birth Name

“What am I “supposed” to be doing?”

“What is the purpose of my life?”

  • As you saw in the previous slides, each of your names, individually, have a certain contribution or bearing on the purpose of your life.

  • Next we will look at the total value of all the letters in your full name. Your full name is your Destiny Number.

  • Your Destiny Number indicates the environment and sphere of life, where you will fulfill your life purpose.

  • You Destiny number activates specific strengths and predispositions in your nature.

  • Your Destiny number prompts you to develop certain interests.

  • Your Destiny number attracts exactly the right people, places, and things for you to fulfill your purpose.

What if I change my name?

  • If you change your name after birth, the new name adds another dimension, such as, a new interest or goal.

  • The new name may seem to pull you in a different direction. However, despite the overlay of a new name's energy, you always retain your core nature and sense of identity.

  • Your birth Destiny is always active, however modified by a name change. Usually, the effects of a name change are felt within a year of taking the new name.

What is my Destiny and Purpose?


Ana, your life under the visionary Master Number 22 (4) Destiny instills in you dedication to a cause, and a desire for making a difference in the world. However, your 22 path is not an easy one, as many diverse forces must align for the play to go on. At critical turning points you may be tested with some tough choices. You are fulfilling the purpose of your life when you:

  • Tune into the influence and guidance of the spiritual side of life. The mastery required by your 22, is that of awareness and higher consciousness. You are aligning with your life purpose when you listen to intuition, and follow-up by taking tangible steps to accomplish the first step, and the next. You become the master by making good use of whatever life throws at you.

  • Work on a dream. From the day you were born, you felt you were here for a purpose, though you didn't know what it would be. All you know for sure is that you want to make difference in the world. The truth is—you may or may not have a specific purpose. Your true purpose is not so much what you do but how you do it. Your master number 22 requires you to work with a spiritually aware and conscious attitude, at whatever place in life you find yourself. An opportunity will come, and you must not overlook it if, at first, it seems rather ordinary.

  • Advance progress in fields as wide-ranging as, art, architecture, science, education, health policies, criminal justice and prison reform, refugee services, sustainable energy, or environmental issues. You may feel a bit overwhelmed by the potential of your 22 Destiny, but don't worry. You soon realize that every day is a new day. You do what is in front of you, and by following what has heart and meaning, you stay on the track your Soul has placed you.

  • Follow your instinct for honesty. Your 22 is a stage of development that requires you to avoid falling into traps, such as feeling like a victim of circumstances, blaming others, cutting corners, aligning with the wrong people, criminal behavior, or casting a blind eye to injustice and oppression.

Your Heart's Desire Number—What Makes You Happy

The vowels in your name express your Soul Urge or Heart's Desire—a motivating force from birth. The Soul Urge is the engine that ensures that you fulfill the purpose of your life. You may ask:

“What would I do if money were no object?”

“What activities do I gravitate to if I have a choice?”

“What would I like my purpose to be?”

“What makes me happy?”

Ana, you have a karmic 14 (5) Heart's Desire. What kind of life (focus/purpose) would make your heart sing? Your 14 brings specific karmic urges to break a pattern or pay back a debt from another lifetime. In general you value freedom, but realize that responsibility demands that you consider other people besides yourself. As a 14 or a 5 what makes you happiest is

  • A life with the freedom and money to travel; pursuing your ever-changing interests.

  • Freedom to make your own luck; situations with a potential to hit the jackpot.

  • Time to work, and plenty of time to play; staying fit; partying.

  • Lucking into a good opportunity; doing anything adventurous, slightly risky, and fun.

  • Winning over up-tight people; being in the spotlight.

  • Self-employment; making a lot of money on commission; very flexible hours.

  • Retiring early (like tomorrow); oh, and did I mention freedom?

Careers: day-trader, politician, athlete, performer, correspondent, veterans/disabled advocate, free-lancer, science writer, unsolved mysteries, test pilot, video games, covert operations.

The Relationship Aspect of Your Destiny Number

“How does relationship fit in with my life purpose?”

“Will I marry or commit to a long-term relationship?”

“Are children part of my life purpose?”

Ana, with your highly charged, Master Number 22 (4) Destiny, you might expect...

  • To marry early, or marry a childhood sweetheart.

  • To marry someone who has connections; a mate who encourages your large-scale goals.

  • Arguments over long hours; encourages you to find balance without letting yourself down.

  • To leave home decisions to spouse; best with a flexible spouse who leaves the porch light on.

  • To be happier if you find someone from your same background and with similar values.

  • To live in a very stable and secure environment; allows you opportunity to experiment.

  • To want children as soon as you feel you can afford them; potential for great joy.

  • To have rebellious children, so they can ruffle your feathers as often as possible.

  • To have your mate develop new interests and become more independent in later years.

  • As a 4 Destiny to be naturally well-suited for the demands of maintaining family life.

  • Relationships to help you accomplish goals to benefit the common good.

Introduction to your Attainment Number

“Where is my life purpose leading me?”

“What will be my focus in later years?”

“What will I be doing in my retirement years?”

As you enter maturity (more or less after age fifty-five), things begin to come together. The unique pattern created by your various experiences, skills, and whatever wisdom you gained will flower along the lines of your Attainment Number. You could think of the Attainment as an ultimate goal. It is the hidden target that your life purpose was aiming at all through your life, probably without realizing it. Your Attainment Number

  • Is the realization of your life purpose.

  • Is the fruit and outcome of your efforts.

  • Is the continuing purpose for your life in your last chapters.

  • Reveals where life is, or has been, leading you.

  • Is a signpost to consider in early years to help you prepare for later life.

  • Shows how to align with the natural forces to create a happy, secure life.

  • Describes the nature and environment of your later years.

  • Is a blueprint of the purpose of your life in your later chapters.

Your Attainment Number Description

“Where is my life purpose leading?”

“What will be my focus in later years and retirement?”


Ana, your life purpose has been gathering energy towards your final Attainment Number 9. Ironically, this quality could have been subtly noticeable in your early childhood behavior. In maturity, it begins to become apparent from your mid-fifties and beyond.

The following key points suggest how you can make the most of this globe-trotting, culture-hound number 9 lifestyle:

  • Allow your dramatic, artistic side to blossom; become more bohemian!

  • Keep busy, but avoid too many irons in the fire; your purpose now is about wisdom and joy!

  • Retire on a good pension or draw down your inherited wealth; live well high or humbly.

  • Be an inspiration through acting, speaking, or writing if you have professional status.

  • Stay informed; enjoy cultural activities, especially with foreign-born people.

  • Let go of dreams that no longer apply; forgive those who have disappointed you.

  • Travel to far-away places, or revisit your youth; this is a time for reflection and insight.

  • Stay active to avoid depression or gaining weight; spend time in the sun.

  • Get involved with public affairs or a progressive social movement.

  • Avoid scattering forces through discouragement, extravagance, or prolonged self-indulgence.

How to Fulfill The Purpose of Your Life

Understand that Law of Attraction magnetizes people, events, and opportunities into your life in order for you to fulfill your purpose.

  • Like the physical law of gravity, Law of Attraction is a fundamental organizing function of your world.

  • The Law is working whether you know about it or not.

  • As the old adage states, “What you sow, so shall you reap.” The Law must match your basic energy vibration.

  • To maximize the effects of Law of Attraction focus your thinking with positive expectations and intentions.

  • Notice which numbers in The Purpose of Your Life Numerology Chart resonates the most strongly. Practice thinking of yourself as the number and what is stands for.

How to Fulfill The Purpose of Your Life

Here's an exercise to help you attract your “ideal” situation or job.

  • Look at at your life now (i.e., what Law of Attraction has brought so far).

  • List points that you don't like about your current situation or job.

  • Re-write each disliked point into an “ideal” version (i.e., ideal for you). For example, change “I don't feel this is what I'm supposed to be doing.” into “I love what I do for a living.” Be as specific as possible about what you want to attract, but a general statement is okay to start with.

  • If you think your life purpose involves healing, write a general affirmation, such as, “I want to know more about healing practices.” Very soon, you should start noticing all kinds of things regarding healing practices, training schools, healers in the news, and so forth. If healing is part of your purpose, the way will open up.

How to Fulfill The Purpose of Your Life

Make sure your thinking is connected to a true feeling of passion (or strong interest).

  • Just going through the motions intellectually by saying I want to “help people,” or “have a good life” is okay to some extent.

  • It's more powerful if you feel a deep emotional connection to what you say you want.

  • As you stay in touch with the joy you feel about something, you power up Law of Attraction to bring you exactly the people and opportunities that match your ideal!

How to Fulfill The Purpose of Your Life

Intuitive guidance is your navigational tool for fulfilling the purpose of your life.

  • Images, thoughts, and feelings are all aspects of something that is coming into your awareness. They are not random.

  • Your gut reactions may be subtle, so keep reviewing past choices to see if you dismissed an idea that turned out to be relevant. Was there something about a choice that later proved to be a factor you should have paid attention to?

How to Fulfill The Purpose of Your Life

To increase and understand intuitive messages

  • Practice paying more attention to your first impressions. Notice any “gut reactions” when interviewing for a job or facing any choice.

  • Notice when something seems to stand out. Does it feel positive, neutral, or “off?” Think about why. Your life purpose unfolds as you make choices.

  • Begin to notice how a mental image may pop into your mind, when you are trying to make a decision to do this thing or that thing. The more you practice, the clearer intuition becomes.

  • The image that pops up is an intuition. For example, take a moment to think about what to do this evening.

  • Did a picture of a place or person come to mind? What significance do you find?

  • Trust that the metaphysical Law of Attraction is always at work bringing people and events that match your internal life energy field.

  • Whenever making choices, go in the direction of what seems to be the most positive energy.

  • Synchronicity (two or more events that happen together, but are not causally linked) is often the way the Universe handles the details for you. There are no coincidences. Sometimes you don't even notice how things sometimes fall into place effortlessly. These are moments when your life purpose is a little more evident.

Warmest regards on your unfolding path,
Carol Adrienne


Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.

Carol Adrienne is an internationally-known author, numerologist, and life coach. Her books have been translated into over fifteen languages. Oprah hailed, The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place in the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon Sense a must-read. In addition to The Purpose of Your Life, two other of her best-selling books, When Life Changes, or You Wish It Would, and Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life have been included as text books in life coaching curricula.

Carol Adrienne also co-authored with James Redfield, the author of The Celestine Prophecy, the two guidebooks for his novels, The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide and The Tenth Insight: An Experiential Guide.

An internationally recognized expert in the field of numerology, Adrienne has written two books on the subject and has taught seminars world-wide. She currently offers private consultations to help clients identify their next step in their life purpose. Her web site at offers personalized life charts and forecasts, as well as free daily and weekly numerology forecasts.