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誕生日に思い出したこともあって昨年5月にうけた数秘術の個人セッションを録音したテープを久しぶりに聞いてみました。昨年後半と、今年、それから来年くらいのレポートはもらっていた のですが、細かい内容はすっかり忘れてしまってました。

改めて聞いていたら、「いや~ あたってる~」と思ったのが、来年(つまり今年)何か勉強を始めるわ、語学とか、と言われていたことです。昨年5月の時点では、まったくなんにも考えていなかったのに、本当に今、真剣にイタリア語を勉強しています。7月には超短期留学して、フィレンツェあたりに行くプランも練り練り中なのです。あと、「2月に古い遺跡のあるところに行くわよ。例えば、インドとか」と言われました。インドは行きませんでしたが、お伊勢参りに行くことに。あれも遺跡には違いありません。



先日はお昼に一人美味しいピザ屋さんでイタリア語の学習本を読みながらランチしていたら、店主が話しかけてきたのですが、「イタリア語勉強してるんですか、ぼくも、ペルージャとか、あちこち、4年間行ってたんですよ。アグリツーリズモ流行ってるから料理学校いってホームステイがいいですよ~」 というような内容の話になり、ますますイタリア行きの決意が固まってきました。

これも運命で決まっていたことでしょうか。 今度イタリア文化会館いったら 留学コーナーを調べてみなくては、と思っています。





キャロルのセッションでは、主に家族のことを聞きました。私が「母のために何が出来る?」とキャロルに尋ねると、『お母さんの人生はお母さんの人生で、それはお母さんが決めてきたことだから、出来ることはなにもない。…ただ、「自分は大丈夫」、とお母さんに見せてあげることが大切』 と伝えられました。出来ることは何もない…というのを聞いたときはショックでした。「それじゃあ、救いようがないじゃないか…」と。でもセッションのあとで頭を冷やしてよく考えてみると、「私の人生って何だろう?」という疑問に達しました。私はそれまで母の言う通りに生きてきて、常に家のことを恐れながら生活するのが当たり前になっていたのです。「私は母のために生きているんじゃない」、と感じた瞬間です。 

キャロルのセッションを受けてから、自分のしたいように、自分のために生きることを少しずつ意識しています。そして見えてきたのは、母が「家庭」に縛られ、それを理由に自分の人生を卑下する姿でした。 「自分の人生なくなるよ」。 私が母に対して伝えたのはこの一言です。でも、それが母にとっては大きな勇気に変わったらしく、今では少しずつ変化していっているように思います。そして、セッションの様子を録音したテープを聴いてゾッとしたのは、兄について。私は兄の年齢しか伝えていないのに、キャロルの口からは兄の家での立場が発せられていました。ちゃんと状況が見えていたんだな、と思います。

セッションを受けて、自分が今何をすべきなのか、世の中でどんな役割を果たしていくのか、ということを一番教えてもらったように思います。色々と状況が変わった今、またキャロルに見てもらいたいなぁ、と考えています。 20代女性O.A.さん 


キャロルのセッションは,私にとって「自分を振り返る気付きの場」となりました。 それまでの私は自分の内面の問題なのに、自分のことがうまく管理できずにぐるぐると渦の中にいるような感じだったのです。 

数秘術での鑑定は具体的に自分に何が足りないのか(カルマ)がはっきりと現れる為、今までの漠然とした不安から開放されました。(私の場合はコミュニケーション・行動・メンタルがキーワードとなっていました)また、具体的な自分の周期を知ることによって、これから訪れる未来への気持ちの準備を整えることができるというのがとても良かったです。(過去を照らし合わせてみると、準じていましたので) また、落ち着いた雰囲気で親身に話を聞いてくれる中、時には同調したり、話を整理して、その上提案をしてもらうことはとてもホッとしました。 


実際に私の場合、「~そういう選択肢もあるのよ」とドキリ!とした事を言われたことがきっかけで、肩の力が抜け改めて心の整理をすることができ、自分自身の力でいい方向に方向転換するようになりました。 時間はアッという間に感じるほどなので問題が具体的な人は、前もって質問を考えておいた方が良いと思います。私の場合はセッション中のキャロルからの質問に答えていくことで問題に気付かされた・・・という感じでした。セッション後にじわじわとキャロルの言葉が響いてきて、その効果は今も続いています。 30代女性T.Sさん 













I've read my Primary Life Chart twice and it describes me and my dreams so perfectly that I was afraid to read the 2-year forecast.

Until I read your book I was pretty sceptical of numerology, but everything you said either confirmed what I 'know' or made perfect sense so I thought I'd try it out. I get it now.

Thanks for providing another step in my evolution!


"I've been seeing Carol for coaching for about 7 months, and have gotten a great deal out of my sessions with her.

I left my hectic and stressful high-tech marketing job, to focus on taking care of myself and to enjoy the fruits of a successful career. Going down that new path, I originally heard about Carol from the Celestine Prophecy books, and then started seeing her own books in Barnes & Noble. I've read When Life Changes Or You  Wish It Would and The Purpose of Your Life and highly recommend them. They are a great complement to the Life Coaching ...and a numerology report.

In my first session with Carol, she asked me what I thought my life purpose was, and my original belief was, 'Being a high-tech marketing manager.' After 7 months, I now know that my life purpose is to promote the convergence of technology with spiritual consideration. Since becoming clear about that, new job opportunities have opened up for me, and I feel a greater passion about how I can give back to the world through my work.

I enjoy going to Carol because she is straight forward, intuitive, and quickly gets straight to the matter. I have recommended her to my friends, and have given her books as presents."


I...highly recommend Carol as a Coach. I graduated from the JFK Coaching Certification Program in May of 2004. Carol listens deeply, is focused and supportive and creates a sacred space of intimacy and trust. She is warm, charming, bright, authentic and uses intuitive tools extremely effectively. Her high level of education and vast life experience are gifts that she draws from and shares generously with her clients. Carol believes that all things are possible and I have seen miracles in my life as a result of being her client.


I wanted to let you know what a profound effect our interactions have had on me in the longer term....

The inspiration I received and some of the techniques I learned continue to be of help to me.
Also, although it took several months to absorb, their was something you said during my numerology reading that has really become central to my understanding of myself and life past events, that is the truth that I am a "visionary/nurturer". I have come to realize that that is an absolutely accurate description of my inner self.

The effect has been to align myself more thoroughly with what drives me, and understand what has driven me in the past. I have come truly to place of self -acceptance. I find that if someone doesn't support those qualities in me, I no longer ferociously question myself. I am on the right track and coming up with creative ways to express this essential nature in the world.



I just wanted to say thank you so much. I have read so many spiritual and self-help books, but yours has meant more to me and helped me more than any book that I've ever read. I have given it to numerous friends as gifts and I have recommended it to anyone who, like me, was down on their luck or needed a little help in this world.

...you have deeply affected my life. I will be eternally grateful.


I would just like to say a simple Thank you, for having helped me through one of the darkest and most confusing periods of life so far.

I was living in London, and had dropped out of art school, as I was not enjoying it at all, and felt I was serving no real, precious purpose. I had no idea what I would do next. As each day passed, I felt the confusion taking over, and the lonliness. Excuse me saying this but, your voice was almost like a beacon of light shining through the darkest of nights.

I found your book in Borders on Charing Cross Road, and from the moment I started reading it, I truly felt myself lighten and lift.   I realised for the first time... that I should move back to Oxford, and retake Fine Art.

It felt odd and hard at first to admit to myself that it was not a backward step, but a one forward. Everything seems to be on track again, and each day I am feeling more and more synchronocity filtering back into my life. Sincerely, thank you *so* much.


I enjoyed our conversation yesterday afternoon. It felt really good to finally understand what my purpose is. It's so simple. I always thought it had to be something complicated. And now, I feel so at peace knowing that I am on track. 


I received my numerology Life Chart from you yesterday and I am verypleased with it. Thank you for doing such a detailed and thorough job! And, ofcourse, it is amazing how accurate it is.

I had to smile and nod as I read over past Transition Periods. For the most part, I have been very aware of my soul setting about on its path, and to see it in writing was very comforting. And as I am right on target with big changes in my life, it was reassuring to see that I am still on the right path.


I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how profound your books have been for me. I finished "When Life Changes, or You Wish it Would" about 3 weeks ago and I am almost finished with "The purpose of Your Life". I have read mounds upon mounds of so-called "self-help" books throughout the past 2 years trying to figure out why, as talented and motivated as I am, I was so miserable and stagnant. I would switch majors and jobs constantly trying to find out who I was and what would make me happy.

When you told the story of the woman who just up and left her former life to drive around the country and work odd-jobs, I broke down into tears.  


I wanted to let you know some great news .... I just landed a job wih a good company here in Seattle. I start tomorrow!  I'm excited and so grateful [for our session] last week.


I just devoured your book, The Purpose of Your Life, in about 8 non-stop hours and I want to thank you for writing it.

Although I have never been compelled to write to an author before, I am moved to connect with you. This book chronicling your lessons, discoveries and techniques is amazing and life-altering. I have been in metaphysical studies for most of my life,,,and had never found a book that spoke so clearly to me (and to the me of this moment!) in a practical and "real" way. Nearly every section mirrored my life, articulated a lesson or clarified an issue for me. I feel I must know you from somewhere, as it would be difficult to speak so directly to me otherwise. (Of course, we have not met.) (In this lifetime, anyway!) I am inspired. Thank you.


Thank you so much for a fabulous first session. I truly enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to the next meeting.


Greetings from Tulsa! All kinds of things are going on over here. A quick update - I had made my peace with my current job and am doing really well in sales - I can sell products! I am ready to move on though, and there's a position at the bank I work at now that is really perfect - a client advisor assistant! So I applied today. On a personal note - I am getting married next month! I want to thank YOU for helping me make this all possible! Hopefully soon I can arrange another session with you.


I have quite a few books on my bookshelf, but I really have to give you feedback on your book, When Life Changes, or You Wish it Would. This book has been absolutely life-changing for me. It has been my own personal Bible over the last year. I honestly have to say I'm not the same person I was two years ago. I'm a more grounded person. I just had to convey my deepest thanks to you for writing [your books]. I wanted you to know how much your message has helped me, and how powerful it's been in my life. 


I got the two numerology reports I ordered from you. They were both really, really good, I was impressed at how accurate they were. A friend of mine liked my chart so much, he ordered one as well! So thank you - the report has helped me to clarify a few issues in my mind.


Thank you so much for the wonderful day yesterday. All I can say is that individually my mom, daughter, and sister-in-law all said to me that they thought they had gotten the most out of the workshop. It brought out really important issues. Thank you. It was very powerful in combination with your daughter's great yoga. She's a great teacher. I wish I lived closer so that I could attend her classes.


just a short note to let you know the effect and support I found from your book- over in the United Kingdom. I bought When Life Changes or You Wish It Would.

I hated my job and really had to escape from a nasty toxic work environment...I was scared at first reading about Queen Inanna and realizing I had to let go of a title and role and salary..to escape, face redundancy before moving into the "The return" phase of my life.

To cut a long story short-I took a job in a Charity- and last week was made the Deputy Chief Executive after 12 months of working there. Your book sustained me in deperate times and provided real comfort....It was a challenge to read but around every corner some synchronicity arrived and little miracles appeared.

So a big thankyou...I tell anyone in a crisis to grab a copy of the book..and read and reread it! My copy is battered and much loved!


Since I saw you back in January, my main focus was on the logistics regarding my move to Argentina because I was afraid that something might go wrong. My biggest question was about finding the perfect travel date. So when you asked me how I felt about March 15th as a possible travel date, I just could not see waiting that long.Well, as it turns out I am still in California and I will be travelling on the 15th--to Mexico. The trip was a complete surprise.

I am so grateful for having taking your workshops and especially for seeing you about the forecast. Knowing what to pay attention to, helped me to renew my faith and have more confidence in myself. I now embrace change and have learned to be patient when an "obstacle" presents itself, since lately these obstacles have been "presents" themselves. And to think that 2 years ago I resisted opening your book about life change because I did not want my life to change. And now I feel like I am floating through life, optimistic about what will come my way, and excited about living life as an adventure.

Thanks again for your role in helping me achieve my goals.


Your book really helps me to clarify my thoughts and to nurture my optimism and enthusiasm.   


I love that you pointed out my "racket" to me; your simple comment that I do the same thing with men that I did with my parents ("they're too uptight; they don't get me") completely opened my mind. My approach to getting out and having fun has completely shifted to a more positive, open-hearted, lighter attitude. Now that I have the attitude, I can't wait to actually start meeting people!

By the way, I did the numerology chart for my older daughter - it was awesome! Not only was it right on, but it has given her permission to acknowledge and own her many gifts and move forward with them, not diminish their value. It also pointed out an infrequent but annoying tendency she has to sometimes be self-righteous, but she could never hear that from me. Maybe now she will be more aware... I also gave her the parent form in the hopes that it will help her work out some of her issues with her dad... 


First of all, I want to thank you for the telephone session we did last month. I have remembered things you said over and over, and really feel it was beneficial to me. It felt like a course correction, not that I was way off course, but just off enough to give me a bumpy ride. Since the session, my life has been flowing beautifully, full of synchronicities all over the place, and one discovery just leads me to the next--no resistance!

I just came home from the private art studio near my house, and I am officially signed up to take a class in Acrylic Painting that starts on September 2nd. I am really excited about this. Thank you for helping me to make this happen!

I keep thinking about your advice to finish "unfinished business" in my life in the next few months, and find that your words have motivated me to take action in some areas where I really needed to.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I received many blessings from the session, and am very grateful that I found you.


I am over the moon with my chart. Very interesting reading and explains quite a few things
I have been struggling with lately. 


Thanks for the chart and e-mail.I haven't finished reading it yet- it's scary how close it is to my character!


Thank you Carol!! After 35 years of toiling in the field, I know what I am:
I am a strategist and a network builder: a Vision Doctor. I help people figure out where they want to go and how to get there.

I think you are an extraordinarily gifted person. I feel untold gratitude for your coming into my life.


Thank you so much for the enlightening life chart. I am truly amazed. I can see so much of myself in the chart already. It is like you were unobtrusively observing my life, even during childhood, and documenting the observations and results...perhaps before the events occurred. I have read the chart thoroughly several times, and every time I say to myself: yes, yes, that is me...! 


You and your presentation, have made an immediate, positive difference in my life by offering a way for me stay above the fine line between "woe is me" and "I have a life!" I needed that reinforcement and got way more than I anticipated in attending two of the three classes. You are truly a


Yesterday, I started reading The Numerology Kit. I knew very little about numerology, and my pre-judgment of it was that it seemed random and too simplistic to be taken seriously. After reading your introduction and about "myself" I am fully intrigued. I found the description of my Birthpath to contain an amazing level of accurate detail. I am a Seven Birthpath -"absent-minded professor, fussy eater, not easily assimilated in a crowd (and thus worried about being misunderstood)" - that's me. When I was calculating my husband's number, I first made a math error, and was puzzled by how inaccurate his was. Then, when I got the math right., your description of him was perfect. He is a One Birthpath, and yes, we did meet on a college campus.