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Carol's Column
Newsletter March 16, 2015


Two items today.


Spring arrives on Friday, March 20th. Numerologically, the Universal Day number is 13/4, indicating a day of transformation. (3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 13/4).

You might ask yourself: What decision or choice (tiny or major) do I logically think would make a positive difference in my life right now? Is this the same thing as what makes my heart beat faster? Has my intuition been telling me anything different?

These are some of the questions and approaches I use in life coaching and intuitive counseling sessions. Recent clients have been grappling with decisions about if and when to buy a condo, whether it makes sense to go to graduate school, or whether to take a position with a start-up. Almost always a trio of choices appears—the logical reason (with fears), the heart-felt desire, and an intuitive feeling.  When we listen within, the answer comes.

Quote for March

 "One thing that never ceases to amaze me, along with the growth of vegetation

from the earth and of hair from the head, is the growth of understanding."

                        Pulitzer prize-winning author and women's rights activist, Alice Walker


Alice Malsenior Walker, born on February 9, 1944 has the master number 11/2 Birth Path, indicating a person capable of inspiring others with passion and purpose.  Her 9 DOB shows wisdom, breadth of understanding, and compassion. Her 8 Destiny foretells rising to the top professionally, using her teaching skills (6 Heart's Desire).  Seems like a Pulitzer prize and international recognition fits perfectly!


My good friend and colleague, Diane Fleck is presenting a free teleconference on March 20 that you won’t want to miss. Diane (a life coach and intuitive counselor) called to let me know about the Solar New Moon Total Eclipse on March 20 th.

This eclipse is thought to have a powerful effect on our consciousness. According to Mountain Astrology, the eclipse is a chance to remind ourselves of the importance of shifting out of the left brain, linear thought, and attend to what our intuition and heart have to say.

Some astrologers believe that with this new moon eclipse humans could experience a release as well as a recalibration--the deletion of old codes and the downloading of new programming. Sounds like we could use some of that, doesn't it? Recalibration is another good way to describe the reforming nature of 13/4.

Solar eclipses are extra powerful new moons. March 20th offers a good time to clarify your direction, re-commit to your path, release resistance (such as blame, justification or procrastination), and recalibrate to a higher level (e.g., staying tuned into—and valuing--your intuitive sense). This New Moon is a good day to be quiet and receptive so that you can receive insights and expand your perception of yourself and reality.

Listen in on Diane’s Free teleconference on March 20 at 9am pacific time.  Her teleseminar is called, "How to get want you want and get out of your own way!"   If you can’t make the call, she’ll send the recording so you won’t miss out. 


.on two or more of my numerology charts at Use the multiple order form and I will give you the discount when I process the charge.




Order your personal Primary Life Chart: Find the story written in your birth name and birth date. $19.95. From now until December 31, the Primary Life Chart includes a twelve-month Forecast for 2014 and 2015. If ordering a gift for someone else, please be sure to find out, and use, their full name as spelled on their birth certificate. If you should get the name wrong, let me know, and I'll be happy to send a correction. Orders using credit cards through PayPal are delivered immediately after payment.

2-Year Extended Monthly Forecast If you already have a Primary Life Chart and the forecast was for 2014 or before, order a 2-year extended Forecast for both 2015-2016. $19.95 for each two-year Forecast. The Forecast starts from January through December, (not from the date of order.)

 Secondary Name Chart for Married or Changed Names. $19.95.

 Carol Adrienne's Love-Life Forecast $9.95.

 Carol Adrienne's Relationship Personality Profile $9.95.

Carol Adrienne's Compatibility Chart $19.95



Life Plan Consultation: Discover your numerological destiny, natural talents and timing of major transitions and potential events. This full-life review is 1 ½ hours, and includes a free 28-page Primary Life Chart and MP3 recording. For information or to schedule, please email me at $200, with sliding scale for those in need. For questions or to schedule:

One-hour Coaching Sessions.  For those who have already done the Life Plan Consultation, I will meet with you on the phone or in-person for a reading, trouble-shooting, and coaching on specific current issues.  $135.  I'll also make an MP3 recording for future reflection.

 Analysis of Business Name, Domain Name, Launch Dates

If you are trying to choose names for a business or product, or want to know good dates to register or launch, be sure to check the numerological indicators that will give you the best chance of the results you want. Together we will analyze names (you must provide the names you like), so you can see for yourself the name with the most power. Your session is recorded on MP3. $220. For questions or to schedule:

 Name Change Consultation

If you feel the time has come to choose a new name, let me help you steer you in the direction you want to go. This consultation gives you a complete description of your Soul's original intent, a life review, and current potential. Together we will analyze up to 8 names, so you can see for yourself the name with the most power. Your session is recorded on MP3. Includes a Primary Life Chart. $220. For questions or to schedule:

Order my books at or Barnes &

The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place in the World Using Intuition, Synchronicity, and Uncommon Sense

When Life Changes, Or You Wish it Would

Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life (a workbook for self-study and guidance.)


Username Analyzer

Have fun! Find out the hidden qualities of the name you use for emails. People have been sending me emails to say how much fun the analyzer is, and how accurately it describes their username or business name. You can actually use it for any name.

Daily Numerology Reading On-line

Your free Numerology DAILY reading is posted on my website. The reading is also available as an app for android cell phones and devices for free download here, at Amazon or at Google. Enter your birthdate once and the app continues to calculate your Personal Day number automatically, sending you your personal reading. Enjoy!

Free Numerology Weekly Forecast On-line

Check in each week to see what's happening according to your Personal Year.

Purpose Tracker Photographs And Inspirational Messages On-line

Enjoy the synchronicity between the message and my randomly rotating photographs! Purpose Tracker helps you stay connected with the principles in my books, such as The Purpose of Your Life, and When Life Changes, Or You Wish it Would. Click here to go to Purpose Tracker each day.

As always, please feel free to send me any questions you have about numerology!

Happy recalibrating,

Carol Adrienne