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Life Purpose--Every Day

September, 2007                    Carol Adrienne

One reader sent an inquiry that speaks very much to our desire to find a life purpose amidst what seems like an all-too-mundane daily life.  But is this daily life exactly what our life purpose is all about? We can see from S’s chart that the question of life purpose is not easily answered by finding the “right job title” in terms of livelihood!

In S’s case, below, I took a look at her numerological chart. Through the numbers, I see the complex patterns created by a desire to express her individuality (her many 1’s) within a situation that requires responsibility and some self-sacrifice—(her many 6’s.)  Living out this dynamic between self and the needs of others, whom we love and care about, is a frequent scenario—perhaps one of the most prevalent in the world! 

Hi Carol,

My name is S N W (birth date 12/15/63) and I am the sole financial support for my family since the birth of our second daughter in January. I have been in my sales position for a little over three years now. My husband is a stay-at-home dad.  Without getting into too much detail, I have a nagging feeling that I am supposed to be doing "something" else. Unfortunately, I don't know what that "something" else is. One of my goals has been to support my family financially at a comfortable level, which is not happening currently since I have needed to take loans out to meet our monthly rent.  I am a believer in synchronicity so I feel I am aware of signs that may be coming my way, but maybe I'm missing something. Any insight that you can provide would be much appreciated.

Dear S,

I can understand your restlessness and need for a “life review.”  Your numerological chart shows that you are in a 9 Personal Year!  The 9 always completion.  Therefore, you are wrapping up a nine-year cycle during the course of 2007.  In January of 2008, you will be starting a new cycle.  Of course, since your birthday is late in the year—December—you may feel that you are still to enter your 9 year in 2008.  Generally I consider the Personal year to be active from January to January in any year, despite late birthdays.  That said, one way or the other, you are in the process of winding up the goals that you have had for the last nine years.

Let me lay out the numbers as I have calculated from your full, original, birth name and birth date.  I’ll just briefly review the most important influences to give a sense of what you are meant to do in this life.

Major Qualities 
Your First Name, S (I’m only using initials to protect your privacy,) totals to 3, which shows you have gifts as a communicator.  This name indicates a positive nature, and good people skills.  If you are not getting the prosperity you want, perhaps you need to UNLEASH your joy of communication with people more profoundly in your sales position.

Your Middle Name, N, adds up to 7, which means you are also curious, sometimes skeptical, and are happiest when you are digging for answers to life's deeper questions. Therefore, part of your satisfaction will be fulfilled by studying deep subjects in the area of spirituality (or other interests such as technology, writing, history, medicine, or energy work.) However, studying may be enough—you may not need to enter these fields professionally unless you feel a strong desire to do so.

Your Last Name, W, is a 5, which is a promoter and disseminator. This name indicates a strong ability to find new ideas and opportunities, have a variety of careers, and rebound well from setbacks.

Lifetime Destiny

Your lifetime Destiny, is 6—the path of the advisor, teacher.  A large part of your Destiny or purpose is to develop responsiveness and responsibility (which you are doing in your role as the financial provider in the family.) Your KEY to success is: Develop a wide range of loyal relationships. Career choices for your 6 Destiny are found in any type of service from landscape gardener to teacher to financial planner (if you are attracted to confronting your money issues.)

What Turns You On (and What You Resist)

From the vowels in your birth name, I see your Heart's Desire (motivation) is the number           19/1, which signals the need for you to express independence, and  originality.    To be happy you need to express original ideas and have them accepted in the outside world.  While you value the idea of being a pioneer or having your own business, you secretly fear criticism or failing publicly (due to the karmic nature of the number 19.)  This also may indicate that you have strong ideas about right and wrong. Your ideal mate is good-looking, intelligent, supportive, flexible, and enjoys complementary goals. I hope this describes your wonderful husband!

Challenges and Karmic Lessons

Since you have twenty-one letters in your birth name, your Habit Challenge is another 3, again the number indicating an emphasis on creating strong creative and communication skills—have you tried any public speaking or writing? You will feel more secure if you take practical measures to balance income and expenses. Another key point is to train your mind to find the positive, in the face of setbacks or fear.  Also to learn to relax without feeling you are lazy!

Again, the missing numbers in your name yield another 3, this time as a karmic lesson for you in the area of communication and creativity.  No wonder you feel as if you should be doing something creative!  This, however, doesn’t mean you should abandon your responsibilities as a householder and parent (your 6 Destiny!)

As it turns out you also have a 6 karmic lesson—responsibility—which your 6 Destiny is giving you the perfect opportunity to complete through your family and your decision to be the bread-winner.

Your third karmic lesson is 8—which involves learning to stay empowered—and not give your power away to others. You feel a sense of fulfilling your life purpose whenever you  respect your own power and ability to attain financial security and credibility.  Karma is released when have work/life balance, and do not worry constantly about money.

Natural Gifts

Your Day of Birth,15, is another 6!  You naturally attract responsibility, home, marriage, and family. People turn to you for comfort or advice.

Your 1 Birth Path (from the total birth date) shows an independent and forward-thinking nature—which is exactly in line with your 1 Heart’s Desire.

Ultimate Goal—Perhaps your Life Purpose

Adding together your independent and original 1 Birth Path to your family-oriented and responsibility 6 Destiny, we get your Ultimate Goal number 7--Spiritual Connection.  This signals that by the end of your life you are likely to have achieved much wisdom.  You may feel a deep faith or spiritual understanding. You will have learned the value of listening to the quiet voice within, and been able to see the purpose in what has happened in your life. You will be known for your intellectual achievements and your quiet, reassuring presence. 

Respect Timing

Our lives develop through four separate periods called Pinnacles.  Each comes with a Challenge. Your current (Second) Pinnacle shows:

Second Pinnacle (from 36 to age 44—your current stage)  7  Knowledge
The emphasis has been on becoming an expert, researching, analyzing; deep lessons in spirituality, trust, and solitude.  This search for deeper meaning is making you review and question your purpose right now.  Something you have learned is part of your over all Ultimate Goal of 7—spiritual understanding or realizing the importance of the spiritual life.

Second Challenge (from 36 to age 44—your current stage)    5  Change
You must learn to use free time wisely, be adaptable, keep up-to-date, and remain active and youthful.

Moving into your next, Third Pinnacle (from 45 to age 53)     16/7-- brings in the development of expertise and trust.  The emphasis will be on the spiritual healing of old abandonment issues, realizing inner self-confidence, and developing personal creativity.

Your next, Third Challenge (from 45 to age 53)   2--shows the need to be self-nurturing.  You will be learning to maintain balance and boundaries in relationship; to use both patience and honesty.

Personal Year of 9 in 2007 or possibly 2008

During the next three to twelve months (depending on how you feel about the beginning of your 9 Personal Year) old ideas, desires, or situations are ready to depart to make way for the new.

It’s time to let go of fears and self-doubt, complete unfinished emotional business, and expand your goals.  New things are likely to come in around October, so clear the clutter so new energy can flow in. You will be in alignment when you pursue spiritual interests, different philosophies, and receive healing.  Above all, listen to your intuition. It’s important to release feelings of regret, blame, self-pity, and procrastination—although there is absolutely no need to rush into a new decision, either.

Most of our life purpose seems to be about developing personal characteristics, completing previous karmic imbalances, and deepening our spiritual depth and enlarging our soul.  Quite a challenge, and certainly not accomplished merely by what we do for a living.

Post Script from S,

Hi Carol,

First, thank you so much for answering my request.  I thought that you might not have the time to answer so I really appreciate it.

Very eye-opening for me...the emphasis on communication really stood out since that seems to be something that I gripe about daily that people do not do well, whether it's my customers not responding to e-mails or voicemails or the way that some people communicate poorly.  And when the writing was tied into it...I've commented to people that I should write a book about effective communication, whether it's in person, e-mail, voicemail, etc.  The chart has brought me some much needed focus.  It's also good to know that this year is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle.  I've been feeling that so the chart confirmed what I felt. 


Happy September, and back to school, whatever age you are

Carol Adrienne

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. is an intuitive counselor and life coach who has helped thousands of people work through doubt, procrastination, and obstacles to create the life they want to live. Private consultations and coaching available. Contact her at

NOTE: Regarding email questions: Please send your email life purpose questions (limit 200 words) along with your full, original name as shown on the birth certificate, and birth date to In the subject line, please write Column/Blog Question.

Please know that while I deeply appreciate your submissions, I will be able to respond only to those emails that I select for the Advice Blog on my website ( or this column. All others will be reviewed as possibilities for future blogs.  If they are selected, I will contact you.  Please do not inquire if you have not heard from me.  If your questions are not answered, it may be because the material is of such nature that it would not be suitable for the general reader.  Answers do not constitute a full numerology reading as offered in consultations, coaching or the Primary Life Charts available on the website.

Podcast Interviews
Listen to Carol’s radio interview,
    Sharing the Path as Mothers and Daughters, with host Cheryl McLaughlin on From Her Court Radio Show on BlogTalk Radio:           
Look for the show description in the right-hand column along with the BlogTalkRadio media button. Double-click on the play button.

Listen to Carol’s podcast interview
The Purpose of Your Life, with Dr. Lara-Honos-Webb  For other tapes and books, you might want to visit

Events 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007 9:30 - 1:00 pm            Sacramento, California   
Learning Exchange, Uncover Your Passion and Purpose—Part 1:    Move Past Fear and Power Struggles to Free Your True Identity  For details and to register: 1111 Howe Ave., Suite 125 95825 (916) 929-9200

Saturday, September 8, 2007 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm        Sacramento, California
Learning Exchange, Uncover Your Passion and Purpose—Part 2: Discover Who You Are, Where You Want to Go, and the Most Direct Way to Get There For details and to register: 1111 Howe Ave., Suite 125 95825 (916) 929-9200

Thursday September 13th, 2007  6:30 pm - 9:30 pm        San Francisco, California
Learning Annex, How to Date and Find a Mate… If You Are Over 40 (women only.)
For details or to register or call (415) 788-5500

Thursday September 20, 2007 2:00  pm - 6:00 pm        Seattle, Washington
Friday      September 21     10:00 am – 3:00 pm   
Private one-hour life plan consultations: $150    Location TBA Limited Appointments
Consultations include a free copy of Carol’s 30 page numerology Primary Life Chart

Friday, September 21, 2007 6:30 pm -9:30 pm        Seattle, Washington
Increase The Flow Of Synchronicity In Your Life   So You Can Create The Life You Really Want  For details and to register  or phone: 206.365.0400

Saturday, September 22, 2007 9:30 am-12:30 pm        Seattle, Washington
Getting Past Fear To Make Changes:  Learn How To Find Your Negative Core Beliefs & Get Unstuck        For details and to register  or phone: 206.365.0400

Saturday, September 22, 2007 1:00-4:00 pm            Seattle, Washington
Discover U, Introduction To Your Life Purpose:  Discover The Five Steps to Finding What You Are Meant To Do       For details and to register  or phone: 206.365.0400

Tuesday, October 30, 2007   6:30 pm – 9:30 pm    San Francisco, California
Learning Annex, Learning Annex, How to Date and Find a Mate… If You Are Over 40
(Women only.) For details or to register or call (415) 788-5500

Saturday, January 5, 2008, 10 am – 1 pm     San Francisco, California
Learning Annex, Learning Annex, How to Date and Find a Mate… If You Are Over 40
(Women only.) For details or to register or call (415) 788-5500

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