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7 Techniques for Creating Your Own Luck

August 2008
Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.

“Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.”
Oprah Winfrey

“You must always be open to your luck.
You cannot force it, but you can recognize it.”

Henry Moore

Most of us believe that luck plays a large part in shaping our lives. In recent years, the term synchronicity has often replaced the word luck, especially when talking about an unlikely occurrence that seems to arise at just the perfect moment. 

The word synchronicity--as is well known--was coined by Swiss psychologist, C.G. Jung.  According to Jung, synchronicity differs from the idea of mere accident or random luck in that synchronicity, while acausal, still seems to carry a purposeful weight. That is, we cannot cause synchronicity to happen; nevertheless its, often astounding, perfection appears to be targeted for our benefit. 

For example, years ago I was in the process of developing my intuitive counseling practice.  In those days, I was in the habit of attending various networking meetings.  At one breakfast meeting, I had placed my purse on a chair at the table to hold my seat while I got my food.  When I came back, someone had moved my purse to a chair at the end of the table.  I was slightly disgruntled, but sat there anyway.  As it turned out, that position at the table allowed me to meet a woman who was exactly the right person I needed to meet.  She was part of several amazing synchronicities that put me in touch with an important teacher (Arnold Patent,) whose ideas completely changed the way I would develop my practice.

We may not always recognize the purpose or deeper meaning of an important event, such as meeting the person we eventually marry, or running into an old friend whom we were just thinking about.  In my mind, synchronicity seems to be the dynamic engineering force in Law of Attraction.  When we are intensely focused on an idea, need, or desire, we are setting forth a strong energy.  This activating force—we can call it an intention—magnetizes a matching (and seemingly synchronistic) response, answer, or opportunity according to Law of Attraction. 

A former client of mine, LM, was having a difficult time at work when her boss suddenly took ill.  An avalanche of duties fell on LM and she was literally freaking out and wondering how she could create a better career for herself. 

One day during this ultra-stressful period, a former co-worker called LM to talk to her about what to do with his elderly aunt, who was having health and financial problems.  He knew LM had gone through a similar situation and he thought she would be a good person to advise him.  After their conversation, he was so impressed with her range of knowledge, that he said, “You should do this for a living.”  Well, the light bulb definitely went on for LM in that moment.  She suddenly realized that working with elder care was the closest thing to a passion that she had.  Soon after this, LM made a transition to becoming a retirement specialist, and today is happily self-employed.  Circumstance, an intervening angel (her friend who called about his aunt) and her acknowledgment of her true interests created LM’s change of luck.

7 Keys to Creating Your Own Luck

Know yourself.  Admit what really turns you on.  Acknowledge your talent, skills, and experience as valuable indicators of your true life purpose.

Be clear and specific about asking for what you want
. Too often, we simply complain without thinking about what would really make a positive difference in our lives.  Do we need more personal time?  An extra $275 a month (a specific amount is more do-able.) Do we need to commute less? Go back to school?  Write one page of that novel? Simplify our life?

Identify the specific nature of your fears about change
. Instead of merely thinking or saying such things as, “I’m afraid I won’t make money at what I love to do” think it through.  Sometimes even fifteen minutes can give you a rough business plan in terms of facing the facts of what you absolutely need to live on, what kind of investment money you would need for start-up, and your possible income based on a conservative estimate of your market. 

If, for example, you dream of becoming an author or public speaker, but are frozen in fear of not knowing what to do first, start with finding an interest that fascinates you.  Develop a little expertise.  What would you tell someone who knew nothing about your subject?  The point is to get involved with some small part of your dream. Don’t let vague fears of not looking good enough or making a fatal mistake keep you from taking the first step.  Don’t try to “overcome” your fear.  Instead, focus on being prepared.  Luck will find you.

Learn the difference between ego and intuition
.  We often get confused about whether a fear is a rational reason not to do something.  Of course, some fears may be pointing out real issues.  However, most of the time, fear is connected with the part of us that wants to avoid risk or failure—which is our ego.  To keep us “safe and secure” the ego is brilliant at creating conflicts in our mind—making us think in circles.  Not surprisingly, we end up going nowhere.  The ego generally makes us feel out of balance, frustrated, or tormented by a sense of urgency, but blind to the potential right in front of us.

The intuition, on the other hand, speaks quietly with a single idea.  “It’s time to move.”  Or “I want to check out job listings today.” Or “It’s time to finish the project.” “I could move to Arizona.”

Listening to the intuition may take you out of your comfort zone, but something inside you knows that this new step is probably going to be a positive evolution for your life. 

Intuition, therefore, is clear, quiet, and persevering (rather than urgent.)  It presents one thought at a time.  Its suggestions are mysteriously connected to your evolution, even though it may not immediately appear so.  Listening to your intuition—and taking even a small action—usually brings lucky breaks within a short time.

Increase positive experiences.
  Be happy.  The happier you are, the better life seems-- and the better luck you will have.  Too often we think we cannot be happy until we find our purpose, get married, get divorced, write a book, or have a child.  In the meantime, we miss precious moments that occur each day.  Happiness begets happiness. Tip: Build a “good luck bank” by keeping a list of even the tiniest bits of good luck that happen to you each day for seven days. This is a fun way to increase your positive focus.

Express gratitude daily for what you already have
.  Gratitude is a very close vibration to the frequency of love, and love is the frequency of the Universe.  Get into a lucky flow by noticing how much you already have.  No matter what is going on in your life, there is something to be grateful for.  The practice of gratitude is free and always available.

Participate with what’s in front of you.  Act when the time feels right.  You may think nothing much is happening in your life or that things are moving too slowly.  I suggest that if you are in a job you don’t like very much, become better at it.  Throw yourself into it and do the best job you can.  See what happens.  You will increase positive energy, and you may be astonished at how luck appears out of nowhere.  You may even decide that your job is not so bad after all!

Participating with life means paying attention to everything, looking for clues, putting two-and-two together, noticing patterns, and taking action when it feels right (instead of losing energy by complaining, resisting, and procrastinating.)

Namaste and Happy August,

Carol Adrienne
All of Carol Adrienne’s monthly columns are copyrighted.
Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. is an intuitive counselor and life coach who has helped thousands of people work through doubt, procrastination, and obstacles to create the life they want to live. Private consultations and coaching available. Contact her at   For submission of email questions, please see note below.

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