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March 14, 2006

Yesterday we had another meeting of our EFT group (emotional freedom technique at There were 8 of us--all women.  We practiced the work until 7 and then broke for a potluck feast--quiche, turkey chili, bread, cheese, salad, wine and homemade lemon cake.  Lynn Fielder stayed overnight so she could go back into SF to attend the next day's Parkinson's conference. 


We learned a lot in our EFT practice.  I like the new "What if..." statements.  I used it today with a client..."What if I could have a stable income and keep developing my passion for life transition-work?"  The What if statement really helps bridge that gap between feeling stuck in a conflict and not knowing what new steps could get us closer to our goal.

Tonigh I'm cleaning out my office and tidying up old business.  Feels good, but I'm tired.  I still need to find that sweat lodge site to let them know Fumiko, Robert, and I will be in Santa Fe next week to prepare for our fall Japanese tour.

I've been having a lot of international conversations.  I love the man who wrote from Romania to tell me about the new library of spiritual books (about 600) that he and his friends have put together.  He said they had about 10 visitors a day.  I think I would love to visit Romania--a Romanian contractor and his all-Romanian crew remodeled my house and Gunther and Eliza's house last year.  We love Romanians!

I've been talking to Felix Brabander about the synchronicity symposium June 10th in Amsterdam.

A man from China just emailed and said he liked this blog!  How wonderful to have friends in China.

Patricia Caldwell, a life coach I interviewed last year, wrote to say hi from London!

A man named Nima wrote to tell me he is translating my books in Iran.  They don't have copywrite laws there, but he's doing it on his own, I guess, and sent me a beautiful picture of himself and his wife.  They look very poetic.

An old acquaintance from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, just wrote to say she had some synchronicities.

It's a wild, wild world out there, isn't it, Cat Stevens!

Good night for now.  Have to go fold my laundry. 



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