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April 7 2006

The rain is STILL pounding down outside my window!

I still love the rain, though, when I'm inside and can hear its steady patter.

I had a very nice reminder of the importance of letting go this week.  Fumiko and I had been trying to set up a schedule for a seminar in Japan and nothing was working.  We felt stopped and unclear about what to do next.  After a few days, we decided to just let go of our original idea.  The moment we "surrendered," we felt relief.

Within two days of our decision, Fumiko received  an invitation to participate in a conference in Nagano in May.  This time everything just flowed.  With perfect timing, our schedules  were open for this unexpected opportunity.

Without any effort on our part, we now have an event scheduled and several other opportunities to do business and see friends.

It seems that sometimes you have to stop doing what is not working and let something else come into your life.  Once you stop or let go, you create a void.  Into that void new energy will flow. 

 It's dinner time now--salmon, salad, potatoes.  Later babysitting.  More rain.






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