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"Why do I keep losing things?"

Hello Carol, 

Quick question: I keep leaving/losing/misplacing things (power cords for computer and blackberry, scarf, wool wrap, are some examples)… I realize I’m busy/overloaded but I don’t believe it’s just coincidence/distraction.  I feel like it’s a lesson but I can’t figure out what I need to change/do differently. Any ideas? Would love your guidance on this because I’ve lost some things I love

Dear Lori,

First of all, losing small but necessary things could be a metaphor for losing parts of yourself--Lori is getting lost in the whirl, like a tumbleweed in the wind. 

However, don't underestimate the physical reality that you are "losing connections" with some parts of what you truly want out of life.  Don't try to figure it out--your losing things probably indicates that you have gone "unconscious" at those moments (believe me I do it, too!)  You are not present at that moment.  The pressures of immediate concern create a greater "trance" that has you  mesmerized.  The inner chatter probably sounds like, "Must hurry.  Must get this last thing done. Must not forget XYZ.  Gotta go.  I'm late.  They are waiting for me.  I've been dallying.  What's next?  What's next?," and so forth.

What to do?   Well, you must sincerely ask yourself this question.  "What is it that I need to do differently today?" "How can I change one small habit so that I can create breathing space at the beginning or ending of a "segment" of my hour, morning, afternoon, or evening. In fact, you only need to take perhaps 10- 30 seconds to become present to the moment.  One minute may seem fantastically long, when you are in a hurry and think you are behind schedule.  Try becoming more present in this way and just see what happens.  Whenever you do become present, I'll bet you'll find the need to take a deep breath!

Usually, our answers are far more mundane than we assume they must be--especially for those of us who love symbols and analysis!!

I love one of the statements which I think I heard from the great channel Abraham-Hicks--"You'll never get it done.  You'll never get it all done.  You'll never get it right."  You and I  WILL die with an unfinished to-do list somewhere in the vicinity of our deathbed! This is my morbid humor speaking, of course.

Carry on, you're doing beautifully,



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