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September 22, 2009 --Message For I R


"What can I do to earn a living and not be bored?" 

I have been married for 23 years and have five older children ages 11-20.
Recently my husband has been diagnosed with cancer that has spread to his lungs.

I have not really worked outside the home and our family since we have been married.
And I am not sure what I should do as a way to provide for our family.
I have written some, but nothing that has been published. I have an AA but that seems
useless. I have thought about learning transcription, and working from home. I have to plan to do something before I am forced to make a decision to take whatever I can find, work-wise.
By looking at my numbers is there anything that stands out that I might be able to do as a
career that will not bore me and also provide an income?

Thank you so much for any advice you may be able to offer to me.

Dear IR,

I am really sorry to hear of your husband's illness, and my sympathy is with you and your family. I have included below a special numerical synopsis of your Primary Life Chart to help answer your question.  As you can see your strongest traits are for being supportive, helpful, and inspirational to those who seek your advice.  Take heart in the fact that your first and middle names show the ability (both 1's) to take up things in which you have little experience and learn quickly.  Not only that, but your day of birth is 19/1--another emphasis on your life purpose being tied up with developing self-sufficiency when the need arises.  The 19 is a Karmic number which could mean that you and your husband have some karmic working out here--and that it's your turn to be strong.

You are an Old Soul with a good amount of intuition and inner wisdom when you are challenged to take command.  Don't be afraid of doing something for the first time, ask for help from others, and keep your sense of humor.  You actually do have a strong indicator showing a talent for writing (you may have been a writer in a previous life, but suffered from being a little bit too avant-garde or radical for your environment.  Thus, you carry an inner warning signal that may make you afraid to be criticized once again.  This is a lesson to learn and overcome.  You have strong tendencies for teaching and advising.  You may be happy in finding a place in a humanitarian organization where part of your duties are training, writing manuals or policies, and helping others overcome disabilities.  This type of work may be found in a non-profit, and you may not need an advanced degree.  This is my strong intuition for you at this time.  

After the age of 53, you begin to come into your own, and will have a fair amount of success and financial comfort--as long as you stick by your values, and work with the highest integrity.  I think writing will figure in whatever job you find, so don't worry about the burden of "writing a book!"

2009 is indeed a 4 Personal Year which means you feel the urge to plan, get organized, finish outstanding issues, and do whatever it takes to strengthen your foundation.  You are about to start a very exciting period which is initiated next month on your birthday and extends for a full five year period, ending in 2014.  Get ready to be more visible, take care of your appearance, and keep fit despite the strains on your emotions right now.


With warmest regards,



First Name          1  Independent, self-directed, courageous
Middle Name         1  Independent, self-directed, courageous 
Last Name           9  Humanitarian
Destiny          11/2  Inspirer
Heart's Desire      2  Peacemaker
Personality         9  Humanitarian
Habit Challenge  16/7  Solitary/Skeptical
Day of Birth     19/1  Perceptive and ethical
Birthpath        11/2  Inspirer
Realization      22/4  Master-Builder
Physically          3  Out-going energetic scattered
Mentally            3  Creative optimisitic easily-bored
Emotionally         7  Choosy, needs solitude
Spiritually         3  Psychic persuasive optimistic
FIRST PINNACLE (from Birth to age 34)       2
FIRST CHALLENGE (from Birth to age 34)      0
SECOND PINNACLE (from 35 to age 43)         1
SECOND CHALLENGE (from 35 to age 43)        8
THIRD PINNACLE (from 44 to age 52)          3
THIRD CHALLENGE (from 44 to age 52)         8
FOURTH PINNACLE (from 53 to end of life)    1
FOURTH CHALLENGE (from 53 to end of life)   8


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